Save the Date: Sukkot Celebration October 4th

Please celebrate Sukkot with Temple Or Olam. More details will follow, but here is some basic information:

Date: Sunday, October 4th
Time: 12:00PM to 2PM
Place: The Malin’s back yard. We don’t publish members’ addresses in a public space like this, so please check your directory.

What: Sukkot brunch and service. More details will follow about the brunch, but the service will be held outdoors, near the Sukkah. There will be lulav and etrog shaking, and songs led by Reb Barbara.

We will have an environmental theme to the Sukkah and the celebration. New decorations will be made out of recycled objects by the religious school students. Please bring a plate, cup, and silverware for each member of your family. That way, we’re not filling the landfill, and nobody has more than a few dishes to wash afterwards.

Note: we will be asking for volunteers to help build the Sukkah on Saturday, October 3rd. Please be on the lookout for that request soon!

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