Passover, Day 5: Remember — Night and Day

Day and NightA story…

“Said Elazar ben Azaryah: ‘Here, I am like a seventy-year old, and yet I never merited (to understand why) the going out from Egypt should be said in the night – until Ben Zoma drashed (explained): As it is said: In order that you will remember the day of your going out from the land of Egypt all the days of your life. (Deut. 16:3) Days of your life – (that includes) the days. All the days of your life – (that would include even) the nights.’ And the sages say: days of your life – this world. All the days – to bring in the days of Messiah.”

Jews begin counting the days when the sun sets.  Why?  Because, Torah tells us that’s how God counted days: “And there was evening, there was morning, there was the first day” (Genesis 1:5).  That’s why our holidays all begin at night…

Our seders are held during the evening hours: Tell the story at night, when the day “begins.”  Let what you have learned enfold your sleeping soul.  Then: Wake to live new truth during daylight hours.

If we could, each day and each night, renew the memory of how freedom is attained, maintained, and secured for all peoples, Meshiachzeit (time of the messiah) would finally be within our reach.

Hag sameach!

Rabbi Barbara

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