Schedule Changes

Greetings Temple Or Olamites!

We have some schedule changes to report regarding our July Kabbalat Shabbat as well as our Congregational Game Night.

First, our game night has been officially scheduled for July 7th at 6pm.  We’ll be making further announcements as the date approaches, but be thinking about which game you’d like to bring for everyone to enjoy, and keep in mind that we’ll also be having a snack-ish potluck beforehand.

Second, July’s Kabbalat Shabbat service has been rescheduled a few times, but we are now ready to stick with a date:  The service will be held on July 13th at 7pm.  Please remember that during the summer, we only have one service per month—it would be wonderful to see as many of you as possible during these few meetings, so please make note of the dates.  Shavua Tov, ya’ll!

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