Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi – May his Memory be for a Blessing

Dear all,

At 8:40 Mountain Time, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi took his last breaths.

Reb Zalman, often described as the founder of Jewish Renewal, whose friends included Ram Das, the Dalai Lama, and countless other religious leaders.  He combined, in his practice and teaching, a deep ecumenism.

Reb Zalman opened Judaism up to a generation of disaffected Jews; his work led to the creation of ALEPH: The Alliance for Jewish Renewal.  The ALEPH seminary has ordained over 80 religious leaders.

I first met Reb Zalman in 2005 at an ALEPH Kallah.  I teach his work.  I hope to pass on his most gorgeous teachings.  For me, these include his injunction to his student to make our texts speak, to tap into the deep storytelling and wisdom of Chassidic traditions, to help transmit what it is to be Jewish with feeling.

For those who knew him, this is an inestimable loss.

Zichrono l’vracha, may his memory be for a blessing.

With sadness,

Rabbi Barbara

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