Shavuot: Studying Chesed in the Book of Ruth

Shavuot: The tradition is to study!  We’ll gather together with Rabbi Barbara and explore the Book of Ruth, one of our Shavuot texts.  How did Ruth survive her grief and help her mother-in-law, Naomi,  recover from hers?  How did she dare to go to a foreign land? It was Ruth, who had grown up Moabite, member of a hated enemy tribe, who taught the Israelites how to create a world of chesed, and how to become Jewish, no matter how or where one was born.

Please RSVP to Rabbi.Thiede@or-olam if you would like to join us at 7 pm, June 8 for a Shavuot study session by June 6 and you will receive texts to study and questions to ponder in advance…

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