
August Shmoozeletter

The August 2009 Shmoozeletter is available here.

Got problems? We’ve got solutions.

This year, some of the religious school students will begin to study Jewish ethics.
They will be using Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah and other Jewish sources,
and will learn how Rabbis, through the ages, have made decisions. We’d like
your help. What we need from you are problems. You supply the problems, and
the students, looking to Jewish law, will supply the solutions.

The first area that the students will study is gifts. Do you have a dispute in this
area that you need wise resolution on? Or, perhaps, can you imagine such a
dispute? “Yes, I gave my friend my crockpot but I had such a headache! I just
wanted her to leave me alone. I didn’t know what I was saying.” Or “My uncle
has three children, but just before he died, he said, ‘my son Moishe gets it all!’
Does that count?” The problem doesn’t actually have to be real!
Please email your questions to

The questions will be read out loud in class and discussed. Your identity will not be revealed.
The answer may show up in a future Schmoozeletter.

High Holy Day song-teach & Shalom Lake Norman

September 13th will be a big day for Temple Or Olam.

10:00AM: Religious school families are meeting at Steve and Robbin Smith’s house for their opening day.

10:45AM: The rest of the congregation is joining them at the Smith house, as Reb Barbara teaches us some songs and melodies for the High Holy Day services. Please bring chairs for your family.

11:30AM: We depart for Shalom Lake Norman, which takes place at Ramsey Creek Park from Noon to 4PM. There will be all kinds of Jewish cultural activities, and is a good chance for us to be with the larger Jewish Community.

Reminder: Beatles Service August 14

Reminder: Our service on August 14th will be our Beatles service, in which the sentiments of the evening Shabbat services are expressed through songs by the Fab Four. This would be a great service to invite a friend, or a family of friends, to. Please consider doing that. Also, since we’re expecting a slightly larger turnout than at our typical service, please also consider bringing some food to share at the Oneg. Thanks!

Usual place and time: McGill Baptist Church at 7PM

Reminder: Friday night service 7/17

Reminder: We will be having a Friday night service with a Torah service this Friday, July 17th, at 7PM. Please join us!

July Shmoozeletter

The July 2009 Shmoozeletter is available here.

Change in July Shabbat service schedule

Please note that there is a change to the Shabbat service schedule in July. There will be one service, and that will be July 17th, the THIRD Friday of the month. At that service, some of our teenagers will be leyning Torah, so please come to enjoy and support them.

Reminder: Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday 6/28 3pm

Hi, this is a reminder that we’re holding our congregational meeting at McGill Baptist Church this coming Sunday, 6/28, at 3PM. Babysitting will be available. We are voting on this slate of board officers:

President – Robbin Smith
Membership – Jill Partridge
Treasuer – Richard Jacobson
Social/Adult Programming – Lisa Boguslaw

Please make every effort to attend. Besides the election, we will be discussing matters like our budget, our covenant with Reb Barbara, a membership drive, and other issues.

June 2009 Shmoozeletter

The June 2009 Shmoozeletter is available here.

Important: Annual congregational meeting: 6/28

We will be holding our annual congregational meeting on June 28th, from 3PM to 5PM at McGill Baptist Church. We will discuss the congregation’s new convenant with Reb Barbara, the slate of board officers, as well as information about the various committees. Please make every effort to attend. The board will be providing snacks.