
We like happiness.  We like fun.  We like our prayer infused with delicacy, depth, and joy.  Our services offer congregants an immediate sense of community and connection.

Temple Or Olam holds regularly scheduled Friday night Shabbat services (see our calendar).  All our services are followed by a pot-luck Oneg Shabbat. The noshing and schmoozing often extends a good while as our members enjoy catching up with each other and getting to know guests. Dress up l’koved Shabbos or not – just as you feel most comfortable.

Family-friendly: All of our Shabbat services are family-friendly and musical, featuring guitar, a range of percussion instruments and even, now and again, an accordion.  Often, our religious school students help lead  songs and prayers in a supportive, loving environment. Rabbi Thiede may tell a Chassidic story or deliver a  drash on the week’s parsha.

Guests are welcome anytime!  Come to one of our services and you will experience Jewish prayer as it should be – accessible, engaging, and a source of genuine delight.

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