Hanukkah-gram, Day 7 – From Rabbi Barbara

Day 7 Hanukkah betterAccording to Jewish law (halakha), it is obligatory to light candles, and one should even borrow money to fulfill this mitzvah. If a poor person needs money for Hanukkah candles the community is obligated to provide for him.

We might, this year, spend some time during Hanukkah consider who among us needs candles.  Can we help to pay an electric bill, provide a meal, support a homeless shelter, fund an organization that helps refugees?  In what way can each of us “light a candle” in answer to real human needs?

Hag sameach,

Rabbi Barbara

P.S After Shabbat, recite Havdalah, then light the Hanukkah candles and make the light last!

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