On Modeh Ani and Breathing Space

Today at services, I read from the passage in Genesis in which God breathes life into the human. But before I chanted, I asked if those in the community who felt, acutely, the need for more breathing space to come forward. After the Torah blessing and the passage were chanted, I spoke to them about a gift of our liturgy, the first prayer to be said upon awaking: Modeh Ani (Modah Ani is the female form).

This brief prayer provides each of us the opportunity to pause before we begin the day, to acknowledge our gratitude for life.

Each morning, we recognize that the day before us will never come again. It is, therefore, both sacred and precious. To take a moment to give thanks for life each morning can also act as a reminder. During this day, allow yourself to breath. Breathe gratitude, breathe love. Breathe your thanks for the smile of your beloved, for the laughter of your friend, for the innocence of a child.

The entire prayer is found below, for those who might be in need of more breathing space. And even if all you do is say the first two words (I give thanks) each morning when you awake, you will find you have a great deal more breathing space than you knew.

L’shana tova!

Rabbi Barbara

Modeh ani (Modah ani)          I give thanks
Lefanecha                                   before You
melech chai v’kayam               eternal and living King
she’he’chezarta bi nishmati    who returns my soul within me
With mercy.
Raba emunatecha.                   Great is Your faithfulness

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